Computer, Internet & Wireless Use Policy

    Users must read and agree to these policies prior to using computer workstations and accessing the Internet at the Lincoln Public Library.

    Lincoln Public Library's commitment to public service reaches beyond the traditional collections and resources of a public library. In its mission to provide opportunities for lifelong learning, the library is continually responsive to the changing needs of the community. Therefore, Lincoln Public Library provides users with free use of computers, free access to the Internet, and free wireless access to support our mission to make available information in a variety of formats.

    The Internet offers global access to information. Not all information found on the Internet is accurate, complete, current, legal, or inoffensive. It is the user’s responsibility to determine the validity or accuracy of the information found on the Internet. The library does not monitor Internet use. Reference Staff is available to assist patrons in conducting Internet searches.

    To the extent practical, technology protection measures (or “Internet Filters”) shall be used to block or filter access to inappropriate information. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors.

    Patrons should know that they may encounter sexually explicit or other material they find offensive and controversial on the Internet, even though there may be technology protection measures in place on Lincoln Public Library’s computer network.

    As with all Library resources, the Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents/guardians, NOT Library staff, to determine and monitor their minor children's use of the Internet. (Minors are defined in this policy as children and young people under the age of 18 years.) Parents are responsible for their minor children's use of the Library's resources and facilities. Parents who believe that their children cannot responsibly use the Library's Internet access are requested to monitor their children's Internet use.

    By using a library computer, patrons are agreeing to abide by the library policy on public use of computer workstations and access to the Internet.

    Regulations Governing Computer and Internet Access:

    1. Users will make no attempts to modify or gain access to system files, passwords, or data. Users are not allowed to delete, add to, or modify installed hardware or software.
    2. Using library computers to copy and distribute copyright protected works may be an infringement of the copyright law (Title 17 U.S. Code).
    3. Patrons using the Internet in the library may not display text or graphics defined by federal or state law as obscenity or pornography, or any material that library administration deems inappropriate. Deliberate and continued display of some materials that are not obscene or pornographic may still constitute sexual harassment.
    4. Actions that violate federal, state, or local laws will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
    5. In no event shall Lincoln Public Library have any liability for lost profits or for any direct or indirect special, punitive, or consequential damages, or any liability to a third party, even if the Library is advised of the possibility of such damages, arising from the use of its connection to the Internet.
    6. Misuse of the computer or Internet access may result in the loss of computer privileges.

    Computer Use Information:

    1. Children 9 and younger must be supervised by an adult.
    2. Guest passes are available for patrons without library cards.
    3. Users with valid library cards can remain longer than an hour if scheduling permits.
    4. Users should report any problems with hardware or software to staff immediately.
    5. Users must have basic computer skills.
    6. Printing costs are 15 cents per page for black and white. Color copies are available for 50 cents per page.
    7. Library staff can provide limited assistance with basic computer use.
    8. Users can save files to a flash drive with a USB device. Note: files saved to the public computers will be deleted once the computer session has ended.
    9. Use of computer stations will end 10 minutes before closing.

    Wireless Use and Access:

    Any user who chooses to connect to the library’s free wireless Internet service must abide by Lincoln Public Library’s Computer, Internet, & Wireless Use Policy. Users who violate the terms of this policy, other library policies or use the network for abusive, malicious or illegal activity will be banned from the network and may be subject to prosecution. Like the Internet access within the library, wireless Internet access provided by the Library is filtered.

    Limitations and Disclaimers:

    The Library’s wireless network is not secure and the Library cannot guarantee the safety of your traffic across its wireless network. The Library assumes no responsibility for the configurations, security or files on your device resulting from connection to the Library’s network. Information sent to or from your device can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and appropriate software. Users are responsible for protecting their own devices from viruses and other Internet threats through the use of antivirus software and/or personal firewall.

    The Library is not able to provide technical assistance due to the many differences between operating systems. If you need assistance, contact the manufacturer of your device or software. The Library is not responsible for any changes you make to your device’s settings.


    Revised 1/29/02
    Revised 6/22/04
    Revised 11/27/07
    Revised 08/18/09
    Revised 07/22/19
    Revised 09/30/24